Live a long, healthy and happy life with Ayurveda, with Jessica Rose
SM: What is Ayurveda?
Jess: Ayurveda is a 5000-year-old scientific healing system of medicine. ‘Ayur’ means ‘life’ and ‘veda’ means ‘knowledge,’ so it could be translated to mean ‘the science of life.’ It is part of a collection of ancient texts called the Vedas. Its wisdom teaches us how to live in alignment with Nature and our True Selves through nutrition, herbs, lifestyle practices and yoga, for optimal health and vibrancy. Ayurveda is also a form of medicine that treats the individual as opposed to the disease, recognising that we are all different with unique constitutions and needs.
SM: How can Ayurveda be brought into motherhood?
J: Women's health takes up a prominent space in Ayurveda and there is a whole protocol for pregnancy and postpartum. Through the process of birth, a mother's body, mind and soul go through an immense transformation. Specific postpartum meals, herbs and self-care practices are recommended to help mother and baby regain balance.
The Sacred Window (the first six weeks postpartum) is an especially important time to build strong digestion, immunity, a calm nervous system and balanced hormones. It is said that the first 42 days after birth set the mother's health up for the next 42 years! It is a great way to prevent postpartum depression and depletion.
The knowledge that Ayurveda provides empowers a mother to not only take care of herself but also her family. She can use its practices to support her whole experience of motherhood, as well as nourishing her children in a way that supports health and immunity.
SM: As mums, we are typically time-poor, so what are some simple and effective Ayurvedic practices for mums?
J: Abhyanga - self-massage with warm black sesame oil. This is one of the most powerful tools for mothers. It calms and strengthens her nervous system which has a direct influence on her digestion, mindset and emotional response. It pacifies Vata dosha in particular, which is the dosha most likely to go out of balance during pregnancy and postpartum.
Ujjayi Pranayama - this breathing technique seems simple but its importance is often overlooked. During feeds, a mother can close her eyes and bring her attention to her breath. Applying a slight constriction at the base of her throat to make a quiet but audible oceanic sound, she inhales for 5 counts through both nostrils - holds for a count of 2 - and exhales for 5 counts through both nostrils - then pauses as the bottom of the breath for 2 counts. When her mind wanders, she gently brings her awareness back to her breath. Breathing with this technique activates the parasympathetic nervous system and provides Mum with a much-needed reset to support her mood, digestion and energy.
Jess has generously shared with our Saint Majella community two of her delicious and nutritious Ayurvedic recipes. You can make these staples for your family, or perhaps a friend. Food is a love language and this Kitchari and Ghee will love your body from the inside out.
“I am dedicated to educating women and supporting them on their health journey. We can all benefit from integrating Ayurveda into our daily lives and I am here to show you how. I have poured my heart and soul into creating my signature program “90 day Ayurvedic Gut Revival” which is a transformational gut health protocol for women looking to restore their wellbeing at the root level - Jessica Rose
You can find Jess @jessicarose_ayurevda
And on our Motherhood Rolodex